Haunted Pubs of London

London has many haunted pubs as can be seen from the following accounts.
These are just those pubs that are in Central London. For those further afield, please check out Haunted Outer London Pubs

George in the Strand, 213 Strand, London, WC2R 1AP
The building itself was built in the 1930's but the foundations upon which the pub stands belong to a much older building and date from the 17th century. And it is in the cellars of the George in the Strand pub, that the ghost has quite often been seen. He is described as a handsome, smiling man who wears the clothes of a Cavalier.

Grenadier Pub, 18 Wilton Row, London, SW1X 7NR
Of all the haunted pubs of London, the Grenadier must be the most famous. It is haunted by the ghost of a soldier who was caught cheating at cards and beaten so badly that he died, haunts this tavern. This happened in September for it is then that a silent spectre is often observed, objects appear and disappear and tables rattle for no apparently earthly reason.

John Snow Pub, 39 Broadwick Street, W1F 9QJ
John Snow was a doctor who tracked down the source of an outbreak of cholera in 1854 to a water pump that used to stand outside the pub at a spot now marked by a pink granite slab.
The John Snow pub itself is haunted by an unknown man who sits in a corner glowering at customers.

Morpeth Arms, 58 Millbank, Westminster, SW1P 4RW
The ghost of a man, who died trying to escape from the cellars where he was being held waiting to be transported to Australia, haunts the Morpeth Arms pub. Staff are very reluctant to enter the cellars because of the atmosphere and cloaked figures that are seen.

Sutton Arms, 6 Carthusian Street, London, EC1M 6EB
Regulars to the haunted Sutton Arms pub affectionately call it''s specter 'Charlie', this smiling red-haired man has been seen many times in various places around the pub. He has a favourite table seems to be in the corner of the bar where he has been observed quietly sitting.
One lunchtime he suddenly appeared between two women who were talking. Then he grinned and disappeared. Unfortunately there appears to be no record of the reaction of the two ladies involved.

Volunteer Pub, 247 Baker Street, NW1 6XE
This Volunteer Pub stands on the site of a 17th century mansion once owned by the Neville family, which burned down. However, the cellars of the pub are the original cellars of the mansion and are reputed to be haunted by a member of the Neville family. The accounts cannot agree on his name but they all say that the ghost wears, 'a surcoat, breeches and fancy stockings'.

Viaduct Tavern, 126 Newgate Street, London, EC1A 7AA
This haunted pub and former Victorian gin palace stands on the site of a debtors prison that was part of Newgate prison. Five of the original jail cells are incorporated into the Viaduct Tavern's cellars so it is not surprising that over the years there has been much poltergeist activity reported there. One manager was trapped in the cellar when the door slammed shut and would not open no matter how hard he pushed. Fortunately, his wife heard his yells and had no problem opening the door from the outside. Another time, a workman felt someone tapping his shoulder. He watched in amazement as a heavy rolled up carpet rose slowly up into the air and fell back to earth again.

Ye Olde Cock Tavern, Fleet Street, London, EC4Y 1AA
An ancient pub, Ye Olde Cock Tavern, has a very unpleasant haunting, which was witnessed by a girl who worked in the pub. One morning, she opened the pub's back door and screamed when she saw a grinning, disembodied head apparently floating in the mid air. From a portrait, she was later able to identify to whom the head belonged. It was the writer Oliver Goldsmith who is buried outside the pub, exactly below where she encountered the apparition.

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